Tutors Who Set You up to Succeed
We make sure that tutors who register with Home-School Tutoring have the background and qualifications necessary to do their job well.
Before they can start with us, they must first prove they:
- Are legally allowed to reside and work in the UK
- Have a degree level of education in the subject they are teaching AND/OR
- Are degree level qualified with relevant teaching experience in the subject they are teaching
If they are working with minors they must also:
- Possess an up to date Enhanced Disclosure Certificate from the Disclosure and Barring Service AND
- Not have any circumstances preventing them from working with minors and/or youths
Many of our tutors are also active teachers, in which case they are reviewed for Qualified Teacher Status.
Reviewed for Success
We stay in contact with our tutors and our clients throughout their tutoring experience with us.
We make sure that any feedback received is reviewed and, if necessary, acted upon to ensure that both our clients and tutors are able to enjoy a positive and rewarding experience.
Request a Tutor
Home-School Tutoring Essex has a team of qualified and dedicated tutors working throughout Essex county.
Our tutors tailor each one of their lessons, to suit the needs of their clients. That way you can be assured that you are receiving the best support possible to help you achieve your goals.
Click below and send us a request today!